Thursday, October 25, 2007

there's nothing more embarassing to me than me

There is nothing in life that can embarass me more than my own stupidity...

And, apparently, today was the day for my own self to embarrass the hades out of me!!! I have always heard stories about people writing an e-mail about someone, and then because they have that person on their mind...they send the e-mail to them instead of the person they meant to send it to. Yeah, that happened to me today. Thank goodness I am able to laugh at myself...cause it was freakin' hilarious!!! I have not laughed that much in a long time...Good Times!!!

1 comment:

3 Erwins said...

Ok, now that the truth is out there, you're going to have to eloborate on this and let everyone laugh at, I mean with, you!

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Just a fun way to share info and pictures of our family.....